Allen James Lynch Net Worth

Allen James Lynch was born on October 28, 1945 in Illinois and is a War Hero. He has a net worth of $1 million, a biography, an age of 74, a height of 5'10", and a family. His career has been updated with his war hero status.
Allen James Lynch is a member of War Hero

💰Allen James Lynch Net worth and Salary

Allen James Lynch, known as a renowned war hero hailing from Illinois, is projected to have a net worth ranging from $100K to $1M in 2023. Lynch's valor and courage in the face of adversity have propelled him to great heights, earning him a distinguished reputation for his exceptional military service. Throughout his life, he has consistently exhibited extraordinary bravery and dedication to his country, which has undoubtedly played a role in his financial success. Allen James Lynch's inspiring story continues to inspire and captivate people across the nation.

U.S. Army soldier in the Vietnam War, who received the Medal of Honor for rescuing three wounded soldiers by himself and defending them from enemy fire until evacuation.

In 1964, he joined the Army and began serving in Company D, 1st Battalion.

He worked for the Department of Veterans Affairs and then went on to work as chief of the Illinois Attorney General's Veterans Rights Bureau.

He was born in Chicago, Illinois.

Richard Nixon awarded him with the Medal of Honor.