For her portrayal of Cassandra, Goldsmith was nominated for "Best Bitch" at the 2009 Inside Soap Awards. John Burfitt from TV Soap named Cassandra one of Neighbours' "greatest bitches". He stated that she was "The meanest mum and toughest tart ever in Ramsay Street" and nicknamed her "Cyclone Cass." A Writer for Holy Soap said Cassandra's most memorable moment was "When she accidentally-on-purpose got her dress caught in her car door, allowing her to strip down to her undies." A Daily Record reporter hoped that Cassandra would be run out of town as way of justice for her bad deeds. They added "We know you need villains to spice the drama up a bit – but she's something else. Cass is manipulative, spiteful and downright nasty. In fact, she gives women a bad name." A Writer for the Sunday Mercury thought Cassandra was "one of the most annoying characters Ramsay Street has ever seen", while a Western Mail reporter called her the "mother from hell."