Jack T. Chick net worth

Jack T. Chick was born on April 13, 1924 in California who has a net worth 2020 of $1811421321 .
Jack T. Chick is a member of Comic Book Author

💰Jack T. Chick Net worth: $1811421321


American comic book writer and artist who founded Chick Publications in 1970. A publisher of Christian fundamentalist-themed works that often criticize other religious groups, he became somewhat of a controversial figure.

Before Fame

He briefly attended the Pasadena Playhouse School of Theater before serving in the Army during World War II.


In 2003, he produced a Christian gospel-based film called The Light of the World.

Family Life

He grew up in the Boyle Heights and Alhambra neighborhoods of Los Angeles, California. He was married to Lola Lynn Priddle from 1948-1998.

Associated With

He admired and was inspired by the documentary work of Ken Burns.