Luan Bellinga Net Worth

Luan Bellinga is a YouTube Star born on August 20, 2012 in the Netherlands. He has gained a large following on his YouTube channel, where he posts videos about his life and experiences. His net worth, biography, age, height, family, and career updates can all be found online. He is a popular figure in the YouTube community and continues to grow his fan base.
Luan Bellinga is a member of YouTube Star

💰Luan Bellinga Net worth and Salary

Luan Bellinga, widely recognized as a prominent YouTube Star in the Netherlands, is anticipated to possess a net worth ranging between $100K and $1M in the year 2023. With his captivating content and charismatic personality, Luan has gained a significant following on YouTube, where he shares entertaining videos and vlogs encompassing various aspects of his life. Through his creative endeavors, Luan has not only garnered immense popularity but also substantial financial success, making him one of the most influential and prosperous YouTube stars in his country.

YouTube star from The Netherlands who has appeared on her family's channel Slank En Fit TV, where they post vlog-style videos. The channel has amassed over 600,000 subscribers and 675 million views to date. Her parents run the channel and make videos about their adventures and milestones as a family.

The family joined the platform in February 2013.

She is the oldest of her siblings. One of the family's most popular Christmas vlogs has gained over 6 million views.

Her parents are Daniel and Fara. She has two siblings Lucilla and Luxy.

Sophie Conder and Jules LeBlanc have also appeared on their family's YouTube channel.