Nick Slater

About Nick Slater

Who is it?: Actor
First appearance: Chinese Whispers (21 December 1989)
Last appearance: The Square Peg (31 October 1991)
Portrayed by: Colin Alldridge
Occupation: Police Officer
Title: Police Constable
Spouse(s): Natalie (deceased)
Children: Niamh Murphy (daughter)
Family: Brian Thatcher (father)

Nick Slater Net Worth

Nick Slater was born, is Actor. Nick Slater is an actor, known for Bi Mat Vuong Trieu (2013), Neighbours (1985) and A Little Bit Behind (2011).
Nick Slater is a member of Actor

💰Nick Slater Net worth: $15 Million

Some Nick Slater images



DCI Gordon Wray was born in Windsor in 1947. University-educated, Wray joined the force in 1971, serving five years in his home town before joining the Met. Married to a senior social worker, he arrived at Sun Hill with a glowing reputation and a mandate to clamp down on the errant Frank Burnside. He had worked with Sun Hill detectives on two previous occasions; on one enquiry when he was a DI with the Drugs Squad, putting Burnside under scrutiny. The two didn't see eye to eye and Burnside was furious when Wray turned up at the station, promoted, and having to take orders from him. Ironically Burnside quickly saw off his nemesis as Wray proved more human and flawed than anyone had imagined, falling for the hitherto hidden charms of June Ackland. When their affair became the main item of station gossip, Wray was hastily transferred and his hopes of Future promotion wrecked.


PC Pete Ramsey is a tough, flash East End boy. His uniform is pressed and spotless, and seems to fit better than other people's; his car is a 1970s Porsche 911 in immaculate condition. Formerly a detective, he was put back into uniform and moved to Sun Hill after an allegation that he cheated other police officers in a card game. Confident, even arrogant, he often has run-ins with senior officers for insubordination and indiscipline. In one way he is not a good officer, since he breaks the rules. He would take a backhander from an unlicensed trader or do a deal over a minor offence; he does not expect to pay for a new shirt or a packet of cigarettes. In another way, however, he is a very good officer, bright, self-reliant and at ease in the inner city. He may have been a bent cop, but he is not on the side of the villains. He is on the side of Pete Ramsey.


PC Richard Turnham was one of the first graduate officers to join Sun Hill, transferring from Bow Street in 1989. Immediately upon his arrival at the station, he was selected for a Tricky undercover operation for CID in which he marked himself out as a highly skilled and committed officer. A graduate of Cambridge University where he read archaeology, anthropology and modern history, Turnham spent a year teaching before joining the Met. His father was a senior civil servant and his mother a GP. As well as being academically able, Turnham enjoyed the physical aspects of the job; he was a good hockey player and also enjoyed the occasional game of tennis which came from his university days. His fellow officers found him a bit dull, and were uncomfortably aware that he was exactly the kind of police officer who was approved by the hierarchy these days. In many ways, Sun Hill was merely a lowly rung on Turnham's ladder to the top. They viewed him slightly differently when Quinnan revealed that he had an affair with a senior officer's wife whilst at their old nick. Such a scandal might have damaged most careers but with Turnham's connections even that could not prevent a successful application to join Special Branch.


PC Barry Stringer first appeared in 1990. He replaced PC Ken Melvin who was killed when a car bomb exploded. In contrast to the then somewhat maverick Dave Quinnan, Stringer was a liberal minded Police Officer. Not that much was revealed about his background. He is from Birmingham and it is presumed that this is where he transferred from. In one instance Stringer falls for an attractive lady who has been burgled, although it is later revealed that she set up the robbery with her brother. Although only at Sun Hill for three years, Stringer has an eventful stint at the station. In 1991 he is nearly killed after being left dangling over the edge of a warehouse, after he chases a suspect later revealed to have stabbed Sgt Alec Peters. The following year he is mugged on his way to work. Stringer takes over as Police federation representative from PC Reg Hollis, much to the latter's annoyance. Following a row with Chief Inspector Cato he resigns from the post. He is not actually shown leaving Sun Hill, although DC Carver later reveals that he has transferred, when his name is mentioned in conjunction with a case that DI Johnson is looking into.


Sergeant Ray Steele transferred to Sun Hill from Barton Street, that notorious neighbouring nick, in 1993. He already knew most of the officers at Sun Hill, and they knew him, although they weren't sure if he was in Chief Inspector Cato's pocket. He soon proved that he wasn't. In fact he had more run-ins with that tough nut than anyone else. On one occasion he quoted Cato in the minutes of a meeting to say that officers who complain of being assaulted on the streets were wimps. Cato was incensed and told Steele: 'You're dead.' Old for his years, Steel was an unsmiling man – grumpy even. He looked after his troops, sometimes at the expense of the higher ranks. He was the Federation rep for the sergeants, and he took his responsibilities seriously. Straight-laced and hard-working, he was prone to the occasional display of human sympathy. Like most of the officers he talked only rarely of his life at home. But Steele had a partner. She was pregnant but miscarried, and he took it hard. Perhaps that was the cause of his grumpiness. Steele had a snarling presence that caused some of his colleagues to question how far he would go if riled. These doubts multiplied when an old lag died in the cells at Sun Hill and the finger of suspicion was pointed at Steele. He was exonerated after it transpired that the victim had died from a heart attack but the episode had made him realise who his friends were – and they were so few as to be considered an endangered species.


DC Alan Woods, a high-flyer from Glasgow, had seen most things in over twenty years in the force, and nothing put him off his stroke. Woods had an unblemished reputation for honesty and stability. He was married for the second time, to an English woman, although he kept his family, like his feelings on most things, close to his chest. More comfortable in a male working environment, he was quietly pleased when Chris Deakin took over as CID's boss from Sally Johnson. Alan was quite content at Sun Hill, zooming around in the Astra, bashing down doors and frog-marching suspects to the cells. He provided an island of calm in the stormy seas of CID before his transfer in 1996.


DC/DS/later DI Liz Rawton was born in Newcastle upon Tyne and joined Northumbria Police when she was a cadet of 18. She later joins Sun Hill as a DC, after a stint with SO11. She replaced DC Alan Woods. Liz knew DS Don Beech prior to arriving at Sun Hill. Barely having introduced herself, Liz was dispatched to go to the aid of DC Suzi Croft, who was having a rather dire day at court. Liz was wary of the boys' insistence that she'd like Suzi, but soon found that they were right, as the two quickly became firm friends. Equally as no-nonsense as Suzi, but much more even-tempered, Liz had a sharp wit to match her astute mind. She was immediately at home in Sun Hill CID and quickly became popular amongst her colleagues. She was often the voice of reason, both in and out of the office, when things got a little fraught. Liz was also appreciated for her sound advice and conscientious approach to her work, by CID and uniform alike. She also appeared to have a keen eye for spotting potential in younger officers, such as PC Nick Slater, who she felt, had a talent for undercover work. Nick eventually decided to transfer to SO10. Late in 1999, she is abducted. The experience makes her decide to leave Sun Hill and take a training position at Hendon. It is here where she is promoted to Detective Sergeant. When DCI Frank Burnside is tracking two corrupt officers in Newcastle upon Tyne, he asks Liz to accompany him back up to her home city due to her knowledge of the police force involved and the area. Liz returns to Sun Hill four months after her initial departure, along with DS Rosie Fox, to give evidence against disgraced PC Eddie Santini in his trial for murder of his lover, Jessica Orton. Following the trial, she transfers to Serious Crimes Unit and is for a while, Acting Detective Inspector. She returns to Sun Hill for a final time in 2001 as Acting Detective Inspector to head up 'Operation Magenta' to catch a dangerous serial rapist. This operation results in the resignation of PC Roz Clarke after being attacked and the discovery of two corrupt police officers. Some time after Liz leaves Sun Hill for the last time. She is promoted permanently to Detective Inspector.


DCI Andrew Ross was the head of the Murder Investigation Team between 2002 and 2004. He is first assigned to Sun Hill CID to investigate the Sun Hill serial killer who murdered PC Cass Rickman. He also investigated when PC Polly Page was arrested for murder, a case that turned out to be assisted suicide, and then again when PC Des Taviner's involvement in the Sun Hill Fire came out in early 2004. He was not seen after Taviner was arrested, and his last appearance was in Episode 193 after PC Cameron Tait was held hostage by Taviner. His fate was unknown but he was succeeded by DCI Rowanne Morell, who was promoted from DI in 2005.


When Smithy returned to Sun Hill in 2003 as a Sergeant he soon began a relationship with PC Kerry Young until she was murdered by PC Gabriel Kent. When Smithy found out that Gabriel had raped Kerry, Gabriel killed himself.


DC Suzie Sim arrives at Sun Hill in September 2004, and she soon makes an impression upon her new colleagues. Very ambitious and confident, Suzie is an unsympathising woman who is cut from the same cloth as DI Neil Manson. Coincidentally enough, she had worked with Neil at her previous station, and it is immediately clear upon her arrival, that she and the DI are on the same wavelength. As a former Child Protection Team officer, her experience makes her an asset to the Community Safety Unit. Intimidating and manipulative, she is never the most popular of officers at Sun Hill, and never got on very well with DC Gary Best; at one point, he accuses her of bullying, and planned to pursue the complaint until his sudden transfer to Manchester. Wanting to get as far as she can in the least possible time, she applies for promotion to the rank of Detective Sergeant, and following a vacancy caused by the transfer of DS Ramani DeCosta, she almost succeeds. At the last minute, however, DCI Jack Meadows offers the job to DC Stuart Turner, who seizes it with both hands. Initially disappointed at having missed out on the job, she applies for a position with the Kidnap Squad and once again finds herself competing with Stuart for the job. This time however, she is successful, and she leaves Sun Hill behind to take up the posting.


in 2005 Smithy started having an affair with Louise Larson, wife of gangster Pete Larson. When Pete Larson found out about the affair he murdered his wife and framed Smithy who was imprisoned for three months before being proved innocent. Smithy was later promoted to Inspector by Superintendent Meadows following the departure of Rachel Weston in 2009.


SRO Julian Tavell arrived at the station following the death of SRO Marilyn Chambers in the Sun Hill fire set by PSCO Colin Fairfax. In his first week, Tavell messed up by sending an innocent woman round to the home of a rapist to collect her handbag. When he attacked her, Tavell was criticised by Nixon and Perkins. Tavell left Sun Hill in January 2006 to pursue a life in the sun with his spouse, Michael. His decision to leave was somewhat based on the death of PC Lance Powell.


Sergeant Nikki Wright used to work in her mother's hair salon, but joined the police in order to pursue a more exciting career. Nikki is married to a fellow Sergeant, Doug and has two children as well as two stepchildren. Nikki made a distinct impression on the relief at Sun Hill after she helped them deal with an armed robbery on Sun Hill's patch. Nikki eventually transferred from neighbouring station Barton Street because her husband Doug was also a Sergeant there and it was difficult working together. Superintendent John Heaton employed her only reluctantly on the recommendation of corrupt DAC Hobbs despite wishing to promote PC Yvonne Hemmingway. In July 2007, Nikki's husband Doug was stabbed but survived the stabbing. Shortly after the incident, two new recruits Constables Sally Armstrong and Billy Rowan arrived in Sunhill, with Nikki and PC Emma Keane assigned to "puppy walk" them. Near the end of a shift, the four attended a shout involving kids throwing stones at a disused cheese factory, where Billy volunteered to enter the building with Nikki. It turned out to be a trap laid by Greg Farnham, the man responsible for Doug's stabbing, who trapped Billy behind a metal sliding door, separating Billy from contact and assistance from Nikki on the other side, Farnham wrestled Billy to the ground and slit his throat. A distraught Nikki tried unsuccessfully to resuscitate him, and eventually had to be pulled off the body by DC Terry Perkins, blaming herself for his death. The unsuccessful attempts of Nikki to radio for assistance when she discovered Billy's body after running around the long way to gain access to the room she was locked out of, was down to her Personal Radio failing, as she couldn't get a signal to use it as she was in a building. In Nikki's first appearance it was revealed that she had completed her police training in 1978, the same day as June Ackland. In 2008 whilst on the Antrim Green Estate, Nikki and PC Will Fletcher discover a man with a scaffolding pole in his stomach. After a long day of looking after the victim, Leslie Downie, who later died, Nikki makes a bond, whilst PC Will Fletcher investigates, Nikki is saddened following the death, and recent family problems, result in Nikki deciding to leave. And following this PC Will Fletcher is promoted to TDC.


When Martin Delaney escaped from prison, Jack tracked down Mickey and sought his assistance in helping to re-capture him. It was thought that Delaney had broken out to take revenge on Mickey, however it turned out that he was looking to move the body of his old cellmate who had watched him being raped whilst in prison the first time. Mickey managed to get Delaney arrested for murder, however for not having informed NCS that he was working at Sun Hill while on leave, he was reprimanded and demoted back to his old rank of DC. Unable to return to NCS, Mickey accepted Jack's offer of his old job back at Sun Hill. After returning to Sun Hill, Mickey built up a strong working relationship with his CID colleagues and especially DC Zain Nadir, whom he assisted in proving the innocence of Smithy when he was framed for murder. He also began dating press officer Mia Perry. However, Mickey continued to struggle with his rape ordeal of three years earlier and he began drinking heavily and having many one-night stands. After one drunken encounter led to Mickey being accused of rape he began to clean up his act. He also resumed his relationship with Mia, but they ultimately split after Mia slept with Mickey's boss Superintendent John Heaton. In 2009 Mickey and DS Max Carter went on an undercover operation where they were forced to take cocaine to maintain their cover. Max became an addict and when Mickey found out he was determined to expose Max to their superiors. Mickey and Max also clashed over Max's treatment of teenage gang member Jasmine Harris. Mickey formed a friendship with Jasmine and promised to find her somewhere safe to live, but instead she was sent to a young offenders' institution. After being released Jasmine was witness to a murder carried out by her boyfriend and was taken into custody, but then released. She was then gang-raped by her boyfriend and his friends as punishment for talking to the police. Drawing on his own experience as a rape victim, Mickey persuaded Jasmine to testify against her attackers.


In August 2010, Stone's father dies, and Stone turns up uninvited to the funeral. His mother makes it clear that she does not want him there, but Stone insists on staying saying, "When he goes into the ground, I want to be there, so I'm sure". At his father's graveside Stone attempts to speak to his mother, but she makes it clear she has not forgiven him for believing Ryan over his own father. Looking for some answers, Stone requests the details on the case from the police force and goes to visit Ryan. When Ryan admits to him that she was raped, she gives Stone a letter of apology addressed to her from his father, blaming alcohol for the attack. Stone takes this along with photographic evidence to his mother's house and attempts to show it to her, but she rips up the letter without reading it. Stone is then thrown out of the house by mourners and told by his mother never to return. Later, Stone goes to his father's graveside where he notices flowers from his mother. In front of the card left in the flowers, Stone places the ripped up letter of apology.


Shortly after arriving at Sun Hill, Kerry fell for PC Luke Ashton and the two began a relationship that very quickly led to an engagement. Kerry and Luke were married soon afterwards but unbeknownst to Kerry, Luke was gay and had a one-night stand with Sergeant Craig Gilmore on his stag night. It wasn't until Kerry announced she was expecting a baby that she discovered the truth about Luke and that he had been unfaithful to her. Heartbroken, Kerry decided to have an abortion but was persuaded by Luke not to go through with it. Despite listening to him, Kerry told Luke that their marriage was over and left him. Sadly, she had a miscarriage shortly afterwards. Several months later when a new Sergeant arrived at Sun Hill, Luke was surprised to see an old face return – Dale Smith. Kerry fell for him immediately and had a light-hearted flirtation with him, resulting in them kissing on his first day back at Sun Hill. A relationship developed between the two, much to the dismay of Luke. Luke later left Sun Hill and Kerry was heartbroken, having begged him to move away with her and vowed that she would never let a man treat her like that again. Some time later, Smithy built up the courage to ask Kerry out on a date, which she accepted, but he later backed out when he decided that an intimate relationship between a Sergeant and a PC would not work and denied that he was attracted to her. But Kerry knew Smithy couldn't resist his chances with her and seduced him in the back of his car during an obbo, only to be interrupted by PC Des Taviner. Smithy thereafter made it clear to Kerry that their relationship was strictly professional, but later regretted pushing her away.