When Jackie Chan was filming Who Am I? in Rotterdam in 1997, Smoorenburg auditioned for a role in the film. Impressed with his kicking skills, Chan hired him to play one of two final opponents in which Chan would film the fight on the roof of the Willemswerf Building. It is here where Ron learned how to work in a fight scene for the first time and had some trouble adapting to Chan's trademark rhythmic movements. However, he eventually learned the pacing but for more complicated movements of the fights were doubled by Jackie Chan Stunt Team members Brad Allan, Andy Cheng, and Nicky Li. In 1999, Smoorenburg appeared as a top villain on an episode of the short-lived action series Der Puma: Kampfer mit Herz, taking on the series' lead star, Mickey Hardt, with Donnie Yen serving as action Director.