In 2010, the SyFy Channel released The Resistance, executive produced by Ketai, Scott Bayless, and Scott Rogers and directed by Adrian Picardi. It started as a low budget web series in the form of 4 short online teasers on YouTube. Before filming the actual web show, the series was picked up by Sam Raimi’s Ghost House Pictures and Starz Media, after executives at Ghost House viewed "The Resistance" teasers online. The web show aired on October 4, 2010, on the SyFy channel as a one-hour television pilot. It was also released in its original 8 episodic form on iTunes, Xbox Live, and the PlayStation Network. "The Resistance" was produced by Aaron Lam, Eric Ro, and Associate Producer Don Le. The pilot made history, as it's the first time a series created originally for the web was premiered on television.